knitdds: thoughts on knitting, food, life

{October 7, 2007}   Do you love Franklin, or what?

OK. . .

Have you all seen this?


I’ve gotta say, Franklin has a good hold on the straight male population for a gay man. I personally found this exceedingly funny because these days, my breasts are not my own, and a good portion of my day seems to be using them for another’s benefit (namely, the squeaker man). When it comes to seeing them as the objects of glory they once were, well, frankly, I’m just not there. As in, hands off! (If you told me I’d have this attitude say, a year ago, I’d have laughed in your face.) Poor husband. I don’t think he’d be interested if yarn started coming out either.
Well, I’ve got packing to do, but before I go, since the computer is behaving, I’ll leave you with two happy FO’s. . .one completed Jaywalker and a lovely ruffled scarf. Both projects are in my Ravelry notebook, but for those who aren’t on ravelry, i’ll be more than happy to provide yarn details as needed.


Hope those pictures came through. I really don’t care for wordpress, the formatting drives me nutty. Oh, and last but not least, I want to thank you guys for comments. It’s so nice to know you’re still out there after my long absence 🙂 Lotsa love.

{October 4, 2007}   Goodness Gracious. . .

I can’t even tell you how many posts I’ve started. . .and then had to throw away, because they were already outdated.

Does that mean:

1. I was just waiting for my ravelry invite?

No. For some reason, it really irked me that the page where you can look up your invite says www. I’m antsy, didn’t you know? I was #14,043. No more waiting for me!! I’m antsy!!

  • You signed up on July 5, 2007
  • You are #14043 on the list.
  • 1862 people are ahead of you in line.
  • 18273 people are behind you in line.
  • 37% of the list has been invited so far


2. I’ve been knitting like a maniac?


Um, not really. I’ve completed one Jaywalker and a happy ruffled scarf, but have tons of christmas knitting left. Why do i start these things when I know i can’t finish?




3. I’ve moved blogs and just didn’t tell you?


No. Wouldn’t do that. Although wordpress is so fussy to post to, I’m really considering just switching to Blogger.



4. I’ve been busy, say, taking care of my kid and buying a house?



Bingo. finally, we hit the nail on the head. Life is crazy. I’m not even singing anymore (which is sad.) But I am now a proud houseowner, and my kid is 4 1/2 months old already!! He’s a good squeaker. Still keeping me up at night though.

Speaking of which. . .goodnight. I will try to be more regular about my posts!!

For the record, I’m really, really enjoying ravelry. In fact, you could call me obsessed. It’s well done. Sign up people!!

et cetera